View Full Version : the xbox console..
Mon, 05-09-2005, 10:42 AM
discuss in this tread the xbox console.tell us what youdid with it. and what u are planing on doing ith it.
you can discuss xbox games 2.
i'll start.
i have a modded xbox with a normal hard disk. the dvd player in the xbox sucked like hell so i replaced it with my pc dvd player now i can play everything on it. i'm going to replace my hd 2. but have no money for that at the moment.
i just downloaded unreal tournament 2. its a nice game and finally has a storymode in it.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:48 AM
I hate to troll, but Xbox sucks. It's bulky and has super shitty games. Even GameCube has better games.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:55 AM
But it has one thing that the gamecube dosen't. Halo. Microsoft was very luck in securing an original property that has been so critically acclaimed and loved by the masses. They have also done a really good job with the xbox live and getting third party publisher support. Gamecube would have done better if nintendo has a stronger launch lineup of games. If RE4 was out during launch or a year or two earlier it would have been over. Same thing goes for metroid prime. Thats nintendos problem. When they produce a game it's usually a dosey that redefines the industry, only problem is that they never seem to produce them fast enough.
I still think Metroid prime is the best game of this generation. Unfortunatly it wasn't marketed properly and hasn't sold as well as it deserves. Stupid nintendo with their poor marketing. Also big man on nintendo's system is of course nintendo which doesen't equal a big profit for third party developers who have all but abandoned the system. Only the really large publishers can afford to bring gamecube releases like EA. Nintendo really needs to work on ensuring third party exlcusives.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 12:02 PM
but it is the best on-line console u can't argue about that.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 03:23 PM
xbox live absolutely kicks the shit out of every other online gaming implementation out there, yeah.
I like the xbox. The gamecube's library is fairly small and weak ... I've only seen a couple of really memorable games for it. RE4, Metroid Prime and Prime 2, Windwaker, and a few others. Xbox has it beat hands-down on raw hardware performance, and more on gaming library. Halo and Halo2 are just the start. You've got stuff like the Tom Clancy line of games, you've got TimeSplitters, Fable, Burnout, a massive presence of fighting games. You've got a LOT of solid games in almost every genre, and a lot of developer support. Not to mention the modding scene, which kicks serious ass. We've got a modded xbox that we use as a media center pc, and for a lot of gaming (and an unmodded one for live).
Not that I'm biased. I like the cube, I just think its library is weak.
Then you've got the PS2, which totally kicks ass for library, despite its weak hardware.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 05:57 PM
The Xbox is a solid console. I vastly prefer the killer Gamecube apps since I can't get those on my PC like I can with the KOTOR series and Halo. Great first step for Microsoft in the console industry.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 06:45 PM
The X-Box has hurt the gaming community as a whole. Before Microsoft bought out companies to get their system out of the trash bin they made excellent games for other systems. With a third console (and Microsoft taking our good companies) good games are spread out and some of the best companies are now making dumbed down and shorter games. I mourn for Bioware.
Also, people spend money to upgrade their X-Box. That is truly amazing and one of the dumbest things I have seen. You can't improve the performance (as if that mattered, all the games are made to work with the default capabilities of the system) I even have seen some X-Boxes that had an OS installed on them. Why does anyone waste money on making a crappy wannabe computer into a crappy wannabe computer with more HD space?
And online gaming, what a waste. The computer has a online gaming implementation too, but it is so much better. On top of all that Microsoft got X-Box live users to pay a monthly fee for it on top of internet access.
I'll stick with my vastly superior computer that I can upgrade every couple of years to work just fine for the cost of an X-Box or X-Box 2 or X-Box 3 ect that I don't have to pay monthly for and get better games on.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by: Jessper
Mon, 05-09-2005, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by: Jessper
The X-Box has hurt the gaming community as a whole. Before Microsoft bought out companies to get their system out of the trash bin they made excellent games for other systems. With a third console (and Microsoft taking our good companies) good games are spread out and some of the best companies are now making dumbed down and shorter games. I mourn for Bioware.
Also, people spend money to upgrade their X-Box. That is truly amazing and one of the dumbest things I have seen. You can't improve the performance (as if that mattered, all the games are made to work with the default capabilities of the system) I even have seen some X-Boxes that had an OS installed on them. Why does anyone waste money on making a crappy wannabe computer into a crappy wannabe computer with more HD space?
And online gaming, what a waste. The computer has a online gaming implementation too, but it is so much better. On top of all that Microsoft got X-Box live users to pay a monthly fee for it on top of internet access.
I'll stick with my vastly superior computer that I can upgrade every couple of years to work just fine for the cost of an X-Box or X-Box 2 or X-Box 3 ect that I don't have to pay monthly for and get better games on.
Jessper, are you trying to prove that a computer is superior to an Xbox?
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:34 PM
first of all.....of course gamecube has better games......its not easy to beat the best, afterall
secondly.....a modded xbox is THE ultimate home entertainment center.
buy an xbox, install a 60 gig drive, throw in some free software to change its OS, buy the dvd remote, and then you'll have yourself a device that plays xbox games, plays pretty much any emulator/roms available, plays divx, xvid, quicktime, and pretty much any other video/audio can even check your weather with it!
If you need anything faster than an xbox for home entertainment, then you arent using it for home entertainment
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:35 PM
you know .... a computer is better at being a pc than an xbox is. But seriously, if you think live sucks so much, you've never EVER seen it. Or at least never used it. The game arrangement, matchmaking, player levels, the community and friends system ... the global "online" system, yeah, if you're a heavy gamer that's totally worth the cost. Especially compared to dicking around finding random pub servers in whatever fps you're playing this year.
You can be sitting there on live, playing a halo2 game, and then see one of your friends come on and send you a message. After the round, you can hop out and join your friend in a game of Splinter Cell, and then you can both stick together and go find a pub game of Project Snowblind or whatever. All in the same system, without digging for shitty pub servers and coordinating over aim or whatever. Not only that, but with pc implementations (which invariably rely on the "pub" system or on mmorpg worlds), you don't get matchmaking. You make a game and hope people stumble on it and join, or you find a pub that you get a good ping to and you play there. On live, you don't worry about that, you can make a private game, or you can just go into the matchmaking pool. I've never seen it take more than 30 seconds to get a match with people around the same skill level as you are (at least in halo2's implementation of it). PC has nothing REMOTELY like that.
Not to mention there's no way to cheat significantly on live. Everyone's got the same hardware. Everyone's got the same game version. There aren't any patched binaries or wallhacks or anything like that. I've seen entirely too much BS in pc games. My roommate tells the story of his diablo days, when people were using the town-killing hack to make people's lives miserable, so to keep from getting killed in town he had to use an invincibility hack, just to be able to play the game without getting raped by idiots.
Yeah, Live costs money. Not a lot of money. And in exchange, it kicks the shit out of every other online implementation out there, and does it for every game that supports it. And it keeps out the hackers, and gives you a solid community system. And delivers content updates.
If you want a pc, buy a pc and stfu. But if you want a gaming experience free from driver hell and cheating fucktards and 14 year old kiddies who have nothing better to do than make your life miserable, and you want a more varied gaming experience that doesn't involve sitting in front of you computer all the time, that's why consoles are there.
Oh, and consoles are absolutely cheaper than PC upgrades. You can get an xbox now for around $120-$130 new. I picked up my gamecube for 25 bucks used. Yeah, that's right. 25 bucks. PS2's are cheap too ... even the new slim ones are only $150. You can't even get a decent video card for that, let alone a good motherboard and processor, or a gig or two of ram.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:06 PM
complich8 said everything I didn't want to waste my time saying.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by: complich8
Not to mention there's no way to cheat significantly on live. Everyone's got the same hardware. Everyone's got the same game version. There aren't any patched binaries or wallhacks or anything like that. I've seen entirely too much BS in pc games. My roommate tells the story of his diablo days, when people were using the town-killing hack to make people's lives miserable, so to keep from getting killed in town he had to use an invincibility hack, just to be able to play the game without getting raped by idiots.
I have played on x-box live, and guess what? There are hacks, my friend was playing Halo 2 and duh duh duh, speed hacks. You route the game through your computer, that makes it simple to hack.
In computer FPS I find more than enough challenge, you get on a clan server and most of the time you will find a decent game.
About the upgrade price, I didn't mean buying a 3 yr old console, I meant new just like most people will buy the x-box 2 when it comes out for 300$ I don't upgrade every bit of my computer every 3 years.
Plus it is easier to get free games for PC i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Oh and thanks for the two productive post Y.
Regardless I'll stay out of this thread from now on least you people hang me for saying anything else lol.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by: Jessper
I have played on x-box live, and guess what? There are hacks, my friend was playing Halo 2 and duh duh duh, speed hacks. You route the game through your computer, that makes it simple to hack.
By the way, what you're talking about is a modem standby glitch that had already been fixed.
Oh and thanks for the two productive post Y.
not wasting time on a shitty trolling post
Tue, 05-10-2005, 05:35 PM
jessper just stfu.
xbox beats the other consoles with:
hardware: the loadings are way faster than the other ones.
it has the best graphics of all.
and it has a harddisk u spare up to 30 euro cuzz u don't need to buy a memory card and if u play much game's you have 2 buy 2 memory card's so it will be 60 euro.
with the 60 euro you can upgrade ure xbox even more, and all the games come for free if you have a dvd writer. just download them.
xbox live: in some waysit even beats the pc (no ping shit).
1 think that it doesn't really has is real rpg's cuzz it isn't japanese. but still there are good replacements for those rpg's.
and I rather have 10 good games for the xbox for free then that i have 1 good rpg on the ps2 for 30-60 euro.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:27 AM
I'd say PS2 is the best most balanced out all of the current generation systems. Generally it's the most supported by all of the third party publishers plus it enjoys several exclusives that usually don't migrate to other consoles. GC has some of the best first party games but unfortunatly those are to few and far between. Xbox has some of the worst first party support. Honestly has microsoft produced any must buy original games aside from halo? Did any of you buy or really enjoy mechassualt, crimson skies, sudeki, and brute force.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
jessper just stfu.
xbox beats the other consoles with:
hardware: the loadings are way faster than the other ones.
it has the best graphics of all.
and it has a harddisk u spare up to 30 euro cuzz u don't need to buy a memory card and if u play much game's you have 2 buy 2 memory card's so it will be 60 euro.
with the 60 euro you can upgrade ure xbox even more, and all the games come for free if you have a dvd writer. just download them.
xbox live: in some waysit even beats the pc (no ping shit).
1 think that it doesn't really has is real rpg's cuzz it isn't japanese. but still there are good replacements for those rpg's.
and I rather have 10 good games for the xbox for free then that i have 1 good rpg on the ps2 for 30-60 euro.
its a proven fact that games are more fun when the hardware is better
or IS it?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 05:42 AM
i dont think xbox beats ps2 but i think its a good console. i was thinking of trading my ps2 with my friend for xbox, since i think ive played all the good ps2 games. xbox has some good titles, like jade empire, kotor, and halo of course.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:13 AM
when i was gonna get a console i chose xbox handsdown for the simple reason of it being a home entertainment system that i would never have to buy games for. i got it chipped and a HD put in and now wen i want a game i just go to the video shop, hire a game, and copy it onto the HD. and i dont want any of this crap like "ooo stop steal game u thief" cos all of you have downloaded music, movies or games before. also MOST games that are on the ps2 are also on the xbox, plus the xbox has a few exclusives like halo and fable but yea the exclusives arent really the reason ud get an xbox, the good games are all 3rd party pretty much
Wed, 05-11-2005, 10:43 AM
there's an online service.......its like netflix but for games.....i think its called "gamefly" or something........
anyway, for around $15-20 a month or so you can rent as many games as you want and borrow them for as long as you want
needless to say, my friend now owns about 171 games
Wed, 05-11-2005, 03:33 PM
whow 171??
i thought i had many games with 47.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 03:46 PM
I think I'm the only Xbox owner here without it being modded i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif. I just rejoined Live so if anybody plays Phantom Dust or Halo 2 add me (Aeon712)
Thu, 05-12-2005, 09:42 AM
yeah u prob. are.
can someone tell me if pariah is good??
Fri, 05-13-2005, 04:51 AM
Well i got a modded X-box with a 160GB HDD.. And it's good.. I can have lots of anime on it at the same time i can have 20-30 games on it.. You can even stream movies from your computer.. But i do miss my PS2 i gave away.. When it comes to game-quality, PS2 crush Xbox.. I want to play GT4 =(
well so this is my point..
Modded Xbox with expanded HDD space:
If you want a relly good media entertainment machine that you can play games on.. IMO all the games are only mediocre or they are/going to be avalible to PC.. And if you want to play LIVE, you cant have a modded box, since you get banned from there.. And IMO the Xbox is worthless if it's not modded..
PS2, modded or not:
if you want the best console for playing the best games (imo, GT-series and FF-series)..
Well this is a matter of taste.. Some ppl think the best games is on the GC so this falls in the same category as PS2, depending of what your taste is.. And it has many games for kids..
If i had knew that before i got bought my Xbox, i would have just modded my PS2 and lived happy ever after.. Or used my money to uppgrade my PC..
Fri, 05-13-2005, 06:37 AM
my xbox is softmodded, so i dont have any worries with live
and its all a matter of taste man, some ppl HATE racing sims, really HATE em, they wont EVER play em, even ppl who like rpg can really be turned of by those stupid random encounters FF series has ( i like ff , but c grandia 2 as the superior rpg in terms of gameplay), so dont say "best" games, cause there arent ne, its just what you like to play, i myself think the best game that is multiconsole is soul calibur 2, and since i dont like heihachi, dont care about link, but think spawn is badass, ( and because gfx are nicer) ill definitly go for xbox, there are alot of "good" games, but also that still depends on what you like ( saying this is the best , is like forcing what you like onto ppl)
Fri, 05-13-2005, 07:57 AM
can u tell me what softmod is??i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif
Fri, 05-13-2005, 08:06 AM
read this
https://tut (http://]
its basicly using a exploit to load a different bios, which loads a different dashboard, so unsigned code can be executed ( like backups or other software )
you can replace the default bios, but also then live wont be an option ne more, until you un-install the softmod ( hence SOFTmod)
you could also just load the exploit everytime you want to play a backup, so live stays an option for your bought games( also softmod only works with HDD games, burned games wont be read)
edit: resized
Fri, 05-13-2005, 01:33 PM
i thought you cant go live with softmod.....
with hardmod you'd have a switch you can flip to disable it for live
Fri, 05-13-2005, 04:29 PM
lol let me quote myself i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
you can replace the default bios, but also then live wont be an option ne more, until you un-install the softmod ( hence SOFTmod), you could also just load the exploit everytime you want to play a backup, so live stays an option for your bought games
the saving softmod replaces the default dash so live will ban you, the loading softmod ( you need to load the exploit everytime) doesnt replace nething, so live wont ban you, the saving softmod, enables the disc tray to be opened when its loaded, the loading softmod you cant open the tray or et reboots to default dash
Fri, 05-13-2005, 05:27 PM
Well LIVE will ban me since i have a replaced HDD.. And there is this code that comes with it.. And when LIVE scan your xbox and find a non validated code, you get banned..
Fri, 05-13-2005, 05:59 PM
i read something about locking the hd, that will prevent live banning
Fri, 05-13-2005, 07:06 PM
NvM... I was gonnna post on the 360 i'm blind i didn't see the other thread.
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