View Full Version : Next Generation Systems
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:17 AM
I'm surprised that no one made this thread already. As you know the dawn of a new generation is upon us. With only days until E3 and an even shorter period of time before the unveiling of the new Xbox there is much to be excited about. Feel free to post your thoughts about the new crop of systems or your system of choice.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:46 AM
also a ps3 coming out and a nintendo revolution, gonna be sweet
Mon, 05-09-2005, 10:16 AM
Only next gen being announced is the Xbox 360. Sony and Nintendo are still waiting for the right time. Ps2 sales are still pretty good right now, so Sony wouldn't want anything to affect that.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:35 AM
PS3 and revolution are planned for 2006 launches. Xbox 360 is comming this november. This thursday microsoft is doing a special officially unveiling the next xbox on MTV. Should prove interesting. Although I see something similar happening with the Xbox 360 and the PS3 as sony did with the sega dreamcast and the PS2.
Microsoft will try to get people to hop on board for the next generation but Sony will discourage people by showing tech demos of the PS3 and hyping up how it's supposed to be much more powerful.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 03:25 PM
I think sony's also trying to hype the PSP a bit. Why focus on something that's not coming out for another year when you've got a brand new spiffy $300 piece of hardware to pump now?
Of course, the PSP has like 2, maybe 3 good games for it. But that's never stopped them before :-p.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 03:36 PM
i prefer DS to PSP the game on ds a alot more tricky to play but you see little kids playing it with out any problems which is funny
Mon, 05-09-2005, 04:09 PM
i rather wait for the ps3. if i had a x-box or x-box 2 given to my for free i end up blowing the things up(anger issuses and a hate for microsoft it a computer company and they shoudl stick to that lol)
i'll get a psp once tehy get cheaper and a few good games. mostly i want soem good rpgs . and teh 1 gig memory sticks :-)
nintendo ok i got a few good games i like msotly the remake of zeldas and mertroid :-) and with my freeloader i also play naruto from japan on it ;-)
Mon, 05-09-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by: Darkcarnage
i rather wait for the ps3. if i had a x-box or x-box 2 given to my for free i end up blowing the things up(anger issuses and a hate for microsoft it a computer company and they shoudl stick to that lol)
i'll get a psp once tehy get cheaper and a few good games. mostly i want soem good rpgs . and teh 1 gig memory sticks :-)
nintendo ok i got a few good games i like msotly the remake of zeldas and mertroid :-) and with my freeloader i also play naruto from japan on it ;-)
Christ, I hope English isn't your first language.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:09 PM
the only psp game I've seen that's compellingly good is Lumines. And while that's a kickass game, it's certainly not worth $350 to get it, ya know?
But don't bag on the xbox just because it's microsoft. MS is not going away. And the console is pretty damned good. Microsoft and gaming go hand-in-hand ... their DirectX apis have LONG been the choice of game developers for the versatility and performance, and ease of development compared to OpenGL. Not to mention platform standardization and backward compatibility.
Besides, the line between consoles and pc's is blurring. They're both computer equipment. Just that one's got a keyboard and mouse, and the other has a custom controller.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:05 PM
Right now neither the DS or the PSP is a must buy. There are absolutely no really killer app titles that demand my attention. I'm more inclined towards the DS mostly because I hate sony after what they did to sega. I'm really hoping that nintendo pulls out a killer app or two during E3. So far PSP isn't selling as well as it was expected to. Mostly because sony is trying to market it as an all inclusive multi media device. For the average consumer it's very confusing because they have no idea of what to make of it. Sony should have distinguished the PSP as a gaming machine and used all of the other features as nice extras. PSP isn't as good for watching movies or listening music it's just something that you get as a nice extra.
I'm really hoping nintendo dosen't fuck up with the revolution. I'm getting mixed messages but nothing will be clear until E3 comes along. Also Bungie should be shot for what they did with halo 2's ending. This penny-arcade strip sums up my feelings best.
Here's another one that pokes fun at the sony microsoft pre E3 press party battle.
Generally I don't like most of the penny arcades strips but when they hit the mark they go straight for the jugular.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:09 PM
Everyone who's played Lumines calls it a very awesome killer app. If I had a ton of money I'd get a PSP for the excellent portable racing, puzzle and tactical strategy games it had at launch.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:13 PM
didnt feel like posting this anywhere else, but heres what the new xbox will look like(compared to the old one)
pretty dumb looking, but I'll buy it anyway
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:16 PM
This thursday microsoft is doing a special officially unveiling the next xbox on MTV. Should prove interesting.
Why MTV? MTV is a music station, right? Music Television?
Oh yeah, I forgot. MTV doesnt play that stuff anymore. Just a bunch of marathons of crapness.
But onto the next-gen consoles, the Xbox 360 is something that I'm interested in. Hopefully, there will be plenty of hoopla about it at E3.
EDIT: Just saw Knives122's post. Looks pretty cool!
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:19 PM
Nintendo only needs to release one game to regain it's hold on the portable game market. Or better yet regain it's hold on the console game market while there at it. With this release nintendo could turn things around completely. All they need to do is produce a massively multiplayer pokemon game. Can you even begin to imagine it. It would be more devestating to todays children then polio was in the 1950's. Game structure works perfectly for MMORPG. People can go and train and battle with other trainers online in real time then they go and get badges from different player controlled gyms which would function as clans. Every few months Nintendo could run a pokemon league tournament where everyone whose gotten all the badges compete against one another in different tournamnet leagues for prizes.
Brilliant, god I hate nintendo for not taking advantage of their great properties.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 09:46 PM
The new xbox looks pretty cool. Still huge though. I wonder how many consoles will be out until its as small as the GC.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:15 AM
Supposedly Perfect Dark Zero is going to be a launch title for the Xbox 360. I'm really curious to see it in action especially when you consider how many years it's been in development. I really hope rare dropped the crappy cartoon art style which they used as a teaser.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Brilliant, god I hate nintendo for not taking advantage of their great properties.
yeah, they're geniuses at innovation, but morons at marketing i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:39 AM
Gamecube was a much bigger success than the X-box in Japan. The X-box basically flopped in sales. Just check the rankings over at magicbox. Hope Nintendo comes out with a better next gen console as they are only relying on the Marios and Links with the occasionaly RE to help them in sales.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:42 AM
a next gen smash bros game would be all the excuse i'd need to buy one
Board of Command
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:55 AM
Microsoft's getting Logitech to make the controllers for Xbox 360 this time. We all remember what happened when Microsoft tried to design controllers...
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:09 AM
Have any of you seen the leaked pictures of the new xbox controller? Looks exactly the same as the type S controller. Only difference is that it's white and it's wireless.
Board of Command
Wed, 05-11-2005, 04:27 PM
Ya, no more of this stuff
Fri, 05-13-2005, 07:20 AM
Xbox 360 has officially been unveiled. I forget the rule of thumb when it comes to console colors. Do white systems have a history of failing or succeeding? I do admit that the whole wireless controller thing is very bold. Game I'm most curious about is perfect dark zero but of course next to nothing has been shown about it. All I can say is that Rare has a hell of alot to make up for.
Fri, 05-13-2005, 08:00 AM
official website (
Resize your sig. Read the rules ( d=y) before posting.
GotWoot Moderator
Tue, 05-17-2005, 04:57 PM
Speaking of the next-gen ( is the real Nintendo Revolution. Kind of looks like a PS2, doesn't it? Anyway, I'm still pretty pumped for E3 where we can get a little more info on it.
Edit: Who was expecting this ( Pretty crazy stuff over there at Nintendo.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 05:37 PM
yeah I already saw that(Revolution) but get this, they are saying that with the online feature you will be able to dl EVERY game ever made that was put on the nintendo; from the classic Donkey kong barrel thing to Mario Sunshine; even though we dont know if its free or not(and I hope it is), then this really will "revolutionize" the industry
ps: the launce title for this will be a new super smash brother game i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif(PS3 gets GTA4 for its launce title, and Xbox360 will be releasing halo 3 the same day(supposedly) as the PS3)(so microsoft is screwed.... or are they hmmm?)
Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
-happy.gif" border="0[/IMG](PS3 gets GTA4 for its launce title, and Xbox360 will be releasing halo 3 the same day(supposedly) as the PS3)(so microsoft is screwed.... or are they hmmm?)
Don't think so. Halo fanatics will be lined up to get that game (Ending purposes from the last game). I know I am.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 04:27 PM
i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif haha thats 1 reason i didnt like the old xbox, i might go for new xbox. I personally think that sony as alwalys been ahead of the game... PS sony will have their next generation out be christmas.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 06:16 PM
Im definatly going for the ps3 its got much better rpgs in my opinion although KOTOR and Jade Empire are pretty sweet but if i have the extra money ill buy an xbox 360 just for perfect dark zero god i loved perfect dark
Thu, 05-19-2005, 11:33 AM
i didnt mind the Official X-Box controllers i found them confortable, i'd rather buy a X-Box 2 then a PS3 because everyones going to get a PS3 just cos its made by "Sony"
Thu, 05-26-2005, 01:00 AM
What I'm curious to see is if Nintendo buffs up the specs of the revolution the next time they announce any information about it. I'm expecting it to be more powerful then the Xbox 360 at least for nintendo's sack I hope it's more powerful. They would really fuck themselves over if they can't get it to be more powerful then the Xbox 360 especially considering that many industry insiders see the Xbox 360 as being more of a 1.5 upgrade as opposed to achieving an increadible leap in power over the original xbox. I'm guessing Nintendo will release just before xbox 360 launches. It would make sense considering they promised to say something else before the end of the year.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 08:04 AM
if i were to get two consoles, i will get the PS3 and the Nintendo Revolution. the 360 may have a lot of power, but its still just not going to have a lot of support from the Japanese developers because its not a Japanese system.
Sat, 05-28-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
i didnt mind the Official X-Box controllers i found them confortable, i'd rather buy a X-Box 2 then a PS3 because everyones going to get a PS3 just cos its made by "Sony"
That isn't quite true. People veer towards Playstation because of the amount of good and great games it has to offer it's players. I bought my X-Box solely for Halo, and now it's just collecting dust. Can't even use it as a coaster or anything else to place things on since it isn't flat-topped.
Playstation will surely deliver in the games department. And, you can never go wrong with Nintendo. They may lack in sales (Assumption! Assumption!) in comparison to the other consoles, but they always put out fun games. Guaranteed. Most classics are of Nintendo's making.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 05-29-2005, 01:25 AM
Nintendo still really needs to muster a lot more support from third party developers for its new system. They can't rely on those classics forever. I would so hate to see them go the way of Sega (which was a tragedy).
Mon, 05-30-2005, 04:18 AM
Taken from magicbox:
- Famitsu Weekly has conducted a next generation reader survey, to see which console system the readers are most interested.
Most Interested Next Generation Console
1. Nintendo Revolution - 42.2%
2. Sony PlayStation 3 - 39.8%
3. Microsoft Xbox 360 - 18.0%
Why do you like Revolution?
- Compact design, typical Nintendo style
- Able to download Famicom (NES), SFC (SNES) and Nintendo 64 games
- Possible innovative / new designs in Revolution
- Confidence in the hardware
Why do you like PlayStation 3?
- Outstanding technical specifications, standout against other next generation consoles
- Downward compatibility with PSone and PlayStation 2
- Cell processor and Bluray support are unique to the console
- Like the design of the console (but the controller design is crazy)
Why do you like Xbox 360?
- Developer support is splendid, especial people like Akira Toriyama and Sakaguchi.
- Square Enix supports the console
- Positive console design, color, technical specs and software lineup
- Console can stand vertically
Mon, 05-30-2005, 04:22 AM
GO NINTENDO !!!!! WOOOOO, whats famicon ?
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 05-30-2005, 05:51 AM
^ The Japanese name for the NES. Short for Family Computer.
Sat, 06-18-2005, 12:27 PM
Wow.. didnt think that there'd be a couple of supporters for the xbox and 360 here. Most anime related forums ive ran into hated M$'s console so im a little reluctant to post being an xbox owner hehehehehe
Cant wait for the 360 to come out and the 1st couple of titles im gonna get will be Perfect Dark Zero, DOA4 and Gears of War.
As for xbox sales in Japan.. well what do you expect... the xbox is a gaijin over there
Sun, 06-19-2005, 12:31 AM
I still can't believe microsoft didn't show anything about perfect dark zero during E3. They really screwed the pooch with that one. Only really standout game they had was gears of war and it wasn't even playable. Bet there really starting to regret buying rare for that 200 Million plus. It's a wise investment that has netted them one throughly mediocre title (grabbed by the ghoulies) and a long delayed port of a nearly five year old N64 game. I still can't believe Kameno elements of power has been ported over to at least three systems. It's really sad and pathetic that rare still hasen't finished that damn game.
Sun, 06-19-2005, 12:13 PM
Well.. Concker Live and Relaoded is gonna be released on the 21st, PAL version's out already. They played PDZ over at the xbox360 launch at MTV
Sun, 06-19-2005, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
ps: the launce title for this will be a new super smash brother game
Sun, 06-19-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
yeah I already saw that(Revolution) but get this, they are saying that with the online feature you will be able to dl EVERY game ever made that was put on the nintendo; from the classic Donkey kong barrel thing to Mario Sunshine; even though we dont know if its free or not(and I hope it is), then this really will "revolutionize" the industry
ps: the launce title for this will be a new super smash brother game (PS3 gets GTA4 for its launce title, and Xbox360 will be releasing halo 3 the same day(supposedly) as the PS3)(so microsoft is screwed.... or are they hmmm?)
Yeeaaah. These are supposedly the games available to download. It was on Famitsu somewhere but I don't have a direct link.
1. 10-Yard Fight
2. Anticipation
3. Balloon Fight
4. Barker Bill's Trick Shooting
5. Baseball
6. Clu Clu Land
7. Dance Aerobics (may require dance pad, I halfway wanted to put this in questioned)
8. Devil World
9. Doki Doki Panic
10. Donkey Kong
11. Donkey Kong 3
12. Donkey Kong Classics
13. Donkey Kong Jr.
14. Donkey Kong Jr. Math
15. Dr. Mario
16. Dragon Warrior
17. Duck Hunt
18. Excitebike
19. Famicom Wars
20. Final Fantasy
21. Fire Emblem Gaiden
22. Fire Emblem: Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi
23. Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino and Hoppy
24. Golf
25. Gum Shoe
26. Gyromite
27. Hogan's Alley
28. Ice Climber
29. Ice Hockey
30. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Taito)
31. Kid Icarus
32. Kirby's Adventure
33. Kung Fu
34. Mach Rider
35. Mario Bros.
36. Mario Time Machine
37. Mario is Missing!
38. Mario:Fun with Letters
39. Mario:Fun with Numbers
40. Metroid
41. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
42. Mother (Earthbound)
43. NES Open Golf
44. Nintendo World Cup
45. Nuts & Milk
46. Pin-Bot
47. Pinball
48. Play Action Football
49. Popeye
50. Pro Wrestling
51. Punch-Out!!
52. R.C. Pro-Am
53. Rad Racer
54. Rad Racer 2
55. Short Order/Eggsplode
56. Slalom
57. Snake Rattle & Roll
58. Soccer
59. Stack Up
60. Star Tropics
61. Super Mario Bros.
62. Super Mario Bros. 2
63. Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels
64. Super Mario Bros. 3
65. Super Spike V'Ball/World Cup Soccer
66. Super Team Games
67. Tennis
68. Tetris
69. Tetris 2
70. The Legend of Zelda
71. To The Earth
72. Track meet
73. Urban Champion
74. Volleyball
75. Wario's Woods
76. Wild Gunman
77. World Class Track Meet
78. World Cup Soccer
79. Wrecking Crew
80. Yoshi (Mario & Yoshi)
81. Yoshi's Cookie
82. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
83. Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II
Super NES
84. Derby Stallion 98 (NP)
85. Donkey Kong Country
86. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest
87. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
88. EarthBound
89. F-Zero
90. FX Fighter
91. Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo
92. Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu
93. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
94. Hyper V-Ball
95. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
96. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run
97. Killer Instinct
98. Kirby Super Star
99. Kirby's Avalanche
100. Kirby's Dream Course
101. Kirby's Dream Land 3
102. Kirby's Ghost Trap
103. Legend (some say the movie inspired Zelda but the timing is off, sorry im a history buff)
104. Mario Paint
105. Mario and Wario
106. Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun
107. Mario's Super Picross
108. Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
109. NCAA Basketball
110. NHL Stanley Cup
111. Panel de Pon
112. Picross NP Vol. 8
113. PilotWings
114. Shigesato Itoi's No. 1 Bass Fishing
115. Sound Fantasy
116. Star Fox
117. Stunt Race FX
118. Super Famicom Wars
119. Super Mario Kart
120. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
121. Super Mario World
122. Super Metroid
123. Super Punch-Out!!
124. Super Scope 6
125. Super Soccer
126. Super Soccer 2
127. Super Tennis
128. Tetris & Dr. Mario
129. Tetris Attack
130. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
131. Tinstar
132. Uniracers (Unirally, the game sucked bad you raced unicycles with no rider)
133. Winter Gold (FX Skiing)
134. World League Baseball
135. Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2
136. Yoshi's Safari
Nintendo 64
137. 1080° Snowboarding (a personal fave)
138. Animal Forest (Animal Crossing for you Americans)
139. Banjo-Kazooie
140. Banjo-Tooie
141. Blast Corps
142. Bomberman 64
143. Bomberman Hero
144. Buggie Boogie
145. Cabbage
146. Catroots
147. Climber
148. Command & Conquer
149. Creator
150. Cruis'n USA
151. Cruis'n World
152. Cu-On-Pa
153. Custom Robo
154. Custom Robo V2
155. DD Sequencer
156. Dezaemon DD
157. Diddy Kong Racing (w00t)
158. Donkey Kong 64
159. Doubutsu Banchou
160. Dr. Mario 64
161. Echo-Delta
162. Emperor of the Jungle
163. Excitebike 64
164. F-Zero X
165. Gendai Dai-Senryaku: Ultimate War
166. GoldenEye 007
167. Hey You, Pikachu!
168. Jack and the Beanstalk
169. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest
170. Killer Instinct Gold
171. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
172. Kirby's Air Ride
173. Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside
174. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr
175. Mario Golf
176. Mario Kart 64
177. Mario Party
178. Mario Party 2
179. Mario Party 3
180. Mario Tennis 64
181. Mickey's Speedway USA
182. Mini Racers
183. Mischief Makers
184. Mysterious Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer 2
185. NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant
186. Paper Mario
187. Perfect Dark
188. Pilotwings 64
189. Pokemon Puzzle League
190. Pokemon Snap
191. Pokemon Stadium
192. Pokemon Stadium 2
193. Pokemon Stadium: Gold, Silver, Crystal Version
194. Ridge Racer 64
195. Riqa
196. Shigesato Itoi's No. 1 Bass Fishing
197. Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Earth
198. Star Fox 64
199. Star Wars Episode I: Racer
200. Star Wars: Battle for Naboo
201. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
202. StarCraft 64
203. Super Mario 64
204. Super Smash Bros.
205. Tetrisphere
206. The Legend of Zelda DD (Ura Zelda) (Master Quest in America)
207. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
208. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
209. The New Tetris
210. Waialae Country Club: True Golf Classics
211. Wall Street DD
212. Wave Race 64
213. Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey
214. Yoshi's Story
Satteleview games
215. BS F-Zero 2 Grand Prix
216. BS Special Tee Shot
217. BS Zelda
64 DD games
218. SimCity 64
219. F-Zero X Expansion Kit
220. Kyojin no Doshin 1 (Doshin the Giant)
221. Mario Artist: Communication Kit,Paint Studio,Polygon Studio, Sound Studio, Talent Studio
Sun, 06-19-2005, 08:36 PM
i havent read anything about the new nintendo so odnt bash me if this was said somewhere, but is this gonna have like a mega huge fatassed hard drive? cos umm wat if you wanted to download all 221 games, plus im guessing if you can get games onto it there would be ways to get other stuff onto it too
Sun, 06-19-2005, 11:19 PM
Well.. Concker Live and Relaoded is gonna be released on the 21st, PAL version's out already. They played PDZ over at the xbox360 launch at MTV
Do not even try and pass off that godawful infomercial as the official unveiling event for perfect dark zero. I cannot even begin to express how much pure hatred I posses for that contrived special that featured absulutely no information what-so-ever. Sure we got to see Perfect Dark Zero, for about fifteen seconds total. Sure we got to hear about a bunch of people blather about how cool and fun it is yet we didn't learn anything about it's unique game play features. Sure we got to watch a bunch of people play it but the segment was so poorly edited we didn't actually get to see any gameplay, we only saw a bunch of people trying to look excited.
Microsoft not showing off perfect dark zero has been one of their biggest blunders during this past E3. Almost as bad as their press conference with velocity girl. Then again I don't think anything can top Nintendo's conference when Shigero Myomoto came on stage and tried to hit on one of the G4 tech Tv hosts. It was obviously scripted but whose ever idea it was needs to be shot.
Wed, 07-06-2005, 09:59 PM
I have no respect for Sony or Microsoft, since they dont give a damn about the gamer and only care about the $
The last companies to really care were and are Sega and Nintendo, which is only natural since they had been around so long and really grew in the market because of it
Revolution will be better than whatever Microsoft or Sony dish out because it will just be more of the same old shit called sugar but it wont hold your attention untill they can cram another rehashed genre down your throat.
As for PS3 and Xbox 360 by themselves
At E3 everything Sony showed was pretty much bullshit software not even running on the real machine and on some other technology. A company that lies to its fans? Wonderful... just like they did to deter people from the Dreamcast and still managed to shut them out with the worst launch lineup in console history on the PS2.
Their PSP apparently has NO games coming for it as well as shown at E3 and it looks as if the DS has a ton coming soon otherwise. PSP isnt much of a threat to Nintendo in handhelds.
Microsoft has done everything wrong, they could have taken Sony at E3, but when they nabbed rights to games like Final Fantasy to be developed for them as well as Sony; also the purchases of the Blue Dragon dev team from Square Enix, and the former Capcom dev house, really good moves. That MTV presentation was the biggest piece of garbage I have ever seen. The big difference between these two consoles I think will be who has the better online service this time, because Microsoft pretty much stomps them in that category now.
Mite Gai
Thu, 07-07-2005, 10:53 AM
LOL, of course Nintendo has done tons for the gamers by giving the Gamecube a good disc format, not tricking people into buying an network adapter so they can play the only two online games the system has, and creating tons of accessories that they of course don't force the system owner into buying by making multiplayer games that require them. Oh and of course don't forget about Nintendo's "experiment" the DS which continues to release "excellent" games that utilize the dual screens to the fullest and yet score low when rated lol. Seriously though, Nintendo has already destroyed its chances, because at E3 when the other two big companies showed off their consoles and bragged about the features (yes even Microsoft's confusing conference counts as showing off the 360). And even though the people at this forum may support them overall, in the USA if you were to do a survey like what they did in Japan it would be the 360 or PS3 in the top spot with Revolution at the bottom, because while Nintendo may be beloved in Japan, most (apparently not the majority of these forums) gamers here in the USA have no love for Nintendo and their half-assed promises. And the Revolution is such a tiny machine that the best it can do without having something at the power of a CELL processor is equal the 360 not beat it. And as for their downloadable games from all of their other consoles, they are probably going to charge for them just like Xbox does with its arcade classics, because Nintendo is going to see that as a big money maker, and not notice the fact that it would save the console to give the games for free, though I guess we will see whether or not they do. Though truth be told, things look grim for Nintendo in the next round of consoles since they have not even mentioned a new handheld yet to hold them up like the GBA did in this round (believe it or not DS sales here have not beeen as good as in Japan and PSP is <u>beginning</u> to turn the tide in its favor)
Of course for those people to lazy to read what I said above heres a summary for you lazy readers:
- Nintendo once cared about the gamers, but not now.
- Unless Revolution is packin a super CELL processor or something the best they can do is equal the 360.
- USA gaming majority does not love Nintendo like Japan (why do you think XBox survived?).
- Nintendo only concentrates in the gaming area not because they care about the gamers, but because its the only area they can win in.
- Nintendo is probably going to lose the next round of consoles unless they release all previous games for free which is not going to happen (Nintendo can see the $$ there in charging instead).
P.S. I am not a fanboy of any company, I just really am dissapointed with Nintendo.
Thu, 07-07-2005, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by: Mite Gai
Of course for those people to lazy to read what I said above heres a summary for you lazy readers:
- Nintendo once cared about the gamers, but not now.
- Unless Revolution is packin a super CELL processor or something the best they can do is equal the 360.
- USA gaming majority does not love Nintendo like Japan (why do you think XBox survived?).
- Nintendo only concentrates in the gaming area not because they care about the gamers, but because its the only area they can win in.
- Nintendo is probably going to lose the next round of consoles unless they release all previous games for free which is not going to happen (Nintendo can see the $$ there in charging instead).
P.S. I am not a fanboy of any company, I just really am dissapointed with Nintendo.
-Nintendo is the only company that comes out with original games that are fun for the gamers anymore, what was the last games by Sony or Microsoft that were original and fun for you to play?
-Who cares about graphics? It doesnt make the system
-USA gaming majority does not love Nintendo? That doesnt make sense, all three consoles are pretty even here in America, if anything Microsoft is the underdog, Xbox survived because of games like Halo and Ninja Gaiden accompanied by the best online of all systems out
-Nintendo only concentrates in the gaming area because thats all they have ever made, but even thats not true since they own Pokemon and all of its offshoots. Animated series, toys, cards, etc
-Nintendo wont lose the next round because of all the money they have made over the years by continuing to bring out their systems and dominating handhelds in which they were pretty much unopposed for years
As for the DS go read reviews for Kirby, Yoshi, Meteos, and Puyo Pop, also look at its launch lineup into 2006, PSP has pretty much nothing at all
And as for DS in Japan, they sold 3 times as many systems as the PSP with only the launch of the Nintendogs/Puppy Times game
Thu, 07-07-2005, 02:55 PM
nintendo already announced "game boy MICRO" its its technically supposed to draw the attention of tweens to teens because if its "cute small format" which is what the executive of nintendo handheld production said, it will NOT have new games though (all GBA games)
Thu, 07-14-2005, 09:09 AM
Source: Magicbox
- C-news has polled 1000 Japanese Internet users regarding to the next generation consoles.
Which next generation console are you looking forward the most?
* 60% - PlayStation 3
* 8% - Revolution
* 2% - Xbox 360
* 30% - Not interested
Why do you choose PlayStation 3?
* It is a successor of PlayStation 2
* It will have more software
* It is a Sony product
* Realistic graphics
* PS3 is the most powerful
* PS3 has a lot of new technologies (Blue-ray, etc)
What do you most wanted to play on the new consoles?
* 80% - Well-known game series (Dragon Quest, Super Mario, etc)
* 60% - Original / completely new games
* 35% - Remakes of well-known titles or sequels
How much will you pay for the PlayStation 3?
* 20%: 15000 - 20000 yen
* 20%: 20000 - 25000 yen
* 20%: 25000 - 30000 yen
What game genres would you like to see on next generation consoles?
* 71.2% - Role Playing
* 52.8% - Simulation
* 47.9% - Action
* 41.1% - Adventure
* 23.4% - Shooting
- Here are the Top 20 Best Selling game titles in Japan for the first half of 2005:
1. Gran Turismo 4 (PS2, Sony) - 1,051,961 units
2. Shin Sangoku Musou 4 (PS2, Koei) - 900,689 units
3. DragonBall Z3 (PS2, Bandai) - 639,950 units
4. Nintendogs *all versions* (NDS, Nintendo) - 494,330 units
5. World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 Livewire Evolution (PS2, Konami0 - 458,626 units
6. Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song (PS2, Square Enix) - 443,005 units
7. Sawaru Made in Wario (NDS, Nintendo) - 398,380 units
8. Mobile Suit Gundam: The One Year War (PS2, Bandai) - 384,762 units
9. Super Mario 64DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 355,013 units
10. Tekken 5 (PS2, Namco) - 314,845 units
11. Radiata Stories (PS2, Square Enix) - 293,413 units
12. Devil May Cry 3 (PS2, Capcom) - 278,649 units
13. Dragon Quest VIII (PS2, Square Enix) - 276,604 [3,507,892] units
14. Another Century's Episode (PS2, Banpresto) - 254,527 units
15. Everybody's Golf Portable (PSP, Sony) - 231,933 [362,921] units
16. Monster Hunter G (PS2, Capcom) - 229,966 units
17. Mushiking (GBA, Sega) - 222,199 units
18. Biohazard 4 (GC, Capcom) - 220,704 units
19. Pokemon Emerald (GBA, Pokemon) - 218,574 [1,553,595] units
20. Touch! Kirby: Mahou no Efude (NDS, Nintendo) - 208,405 units
- Here are the accumlated console hardware sales in Japan for the first half of 2005:
1. PlayStation 2 - 1,286,882 units
2. Nintendo DS - 1,236,268 units
3. PlayStation Portable - 1,137,597 units
4. GameBoy Advance SP - 497,931 units
5. GameCube - 159,559 units
6. GameBoy Advance - 16,040 units
7. Xbox - 9,045 units
- Here are the Top Game Publishers in Japan for the first half of 2005:
1. Nintendo - 17 titles (in top 100)
2. Namco - 12 titles
3. Konami - 10 titles
3. Sony - 10 titles
5. Square Enix - 7 titles
5. Bandai - 7 titles
7. Capcom - 6 titles
8. Koei - 4 titles
8. Banpresto - 4 titles
8. Pokemon - 4 titles
Thu, 07-14-2005, 09:48 AM
Why do you choose PlayStation 3?
* It is a successor of PlayStation 2 -- omg FANBOYS!!!!
* It will have more software ---
* It is a Sony product ---- *speechless*
* Realistic graphics -------- *sigh*
* PS3 is the most powerful ---- maybe on paper........
* PS3 has a lot of new technologies (Blue-ray, etc) ------- woohoooo, for what real purpose??
How much will you pay for the PlayStation 3?
* 20%: 15000 - 20000 yen
* 20%: 20000 - 25000 yen
* 20%: 25000 - 30000 yen
lol its gonna be more like 40000 on launch
they really shouldnt poll (just) the japanese, we already know how 1 sided they are
( their tech- sony - ps3 - rpg, nintendo namco konami- etc....)
i think they would be better off if they polled europe
Thu, 07-14-2005, 11:52 AM
Why do polls even matter anyways?
The majority of the gaming public doesnt really know jack
Proof: It will be the most powerful next gen system: We dont even know this yet
Thu, 07-14-2005, 06:35 PM
.....thats what i just said
Fri, 07-15-2005, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
.....I said Japan was one sided and they should have polled Europe
Fri, 07-15-2005, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by: Tinks
.......Proof: It will be the most powerful next gen system: We dont even know this yet
didnt I just fucking say that
and the europe thing, cause they aint as biased when it comes to gaming as americans and asians
( and if you had a brain you know a decent poll would siphon out those stupid answers)
Fri, 07-15-2005, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
Why do you choose PlayStation 3?
* It is a successor of PlayStation 2 -- omg FANBOYS!!!!
* It will have more software ---
* It is a Sony product ---- *speechless*
* Realistic graphics -------- *sigh*
* PS3 is the most powerful ---- maybe on paper........
* PS3 has a lot of new technologies (Blue-ray, etc) ------- woohoooo, for what real purpose??
How much will you pay for the PlayStation 3?
* 20%: 15000 - 20000 yen
* 20%: 20000 - 25000 yen
* 20%: 25000 - 30000 yen
lol its gonna be more like 40000 on launch
they really shouldnt poll (just) the japanese, we already know how 1 sided they are
( their tech- sony - ps3 - rpg, nintendo namco konami- etc....)
i think they would be better off if they polled europe
Sun, 07-17-2005, 12:52 AM
ha.....i was just going to say.......
i really couldnt care less what the majority of japanese kiddies prefer as a console
if i wanted to be a trendwhore i'd have bought a PS2 a long time ago
Sun, 07-17-2005, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
if i wanted to be a trendwhore i'd have bought a PS2 a long time ago
Or... just to buy a really good system.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by: Tinks
* PS3 is the most powerful ---- maybe on paper........
if you had a fucking brain you would KNOW, OR UNDERSTAND that maybe on paper CAN ONLY MEAN, that IT DOESNT MEAN SHIT YET WHAT THEY SAID, we will only KNOW when its released, SO STFU, and typing everything in caps is not making the post more understandable, and if my post angered you, you need to get out some more
Sun, 07-17-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
if i wanted to be a trendwhore i'd have bought a PS2 a long time ago
Or... just to buy a really good system.
a system is only as good as its games. Discussion over. Lock thread.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 01:20 PM
You might realize that PS2 has great games... Once Nintendo's jizz is wiped off your eyes.
tee hee.
darkshadow, stop fucking yelling.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 01:46 PM
lols i only yelled in that post i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif, tinks was the one who was yelling -_-'
Sun, 07-17-2005, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
You might realize that PS2 has great games... Once Nintendo's jizz is wiped off your eyes.
HAHA STFU. Screw you and your POS PS2. The fact that you think PS2 has "great" games is evident that the once truly great gaming industry is shot to shit. I hope spending $400 on the PS3 makes you homeless.
Nintendo ownz. Revolution is going to ... own. Zelda > anything. If you disagree, you aren't just wrong or retarded, you're lamer than a casual gamer.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by: sharoon
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
You might realize that PS2 has great games... Once Nintendo's jizz is wiped off your eyes.
HAHA STFU. Screw you and your POS PS2. The fact that you think PS2 has "great" games is evident that the once truly great gaming industry is shot to shit. I hope spending $400 on the PS3 makes you homeless.
Nintendo ownz. Revolution is going to ... own. Zelda > anything. If you disagree, you aren't just wrong or retarded, you're lamer than a casual gamer.
What the fuck?
I've never paid for any of the PS or PS2 consoles I've owned. I get them imported from Japan by a family relative the day are released. As a matter of fact, I've never paid a single penny for anything related to PS or PS2. Looks like... you lose!
Also, do note that I don't dislike Nintendo, I'm just disagreeing with what assertn had to say. Don't be a fuckass on your first day on the forums, thanks.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
I've never paid for any of the PS or PS2 consoles I've owned. I get them imported from Japan by a family relative the day are released. As a matter of fact, I've never paid a single penny for anything related to PS or PS2. Looks like... you lose!
And this all matters ... because? I now hope that exporting a PS3 makes your family relatives homeless. Looks like ... you're gay!
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
Also, do note that I don't dislike Nintendo, I'm disagreeing with what assertn had to say. Don't be a fuckass on your first day on the forums, thanks.
I agree with what assertn had to say, hence my post. Don't be gay on your 100th anniversary on the forums.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 05:50 PM
damn mut....i wish my mom sent me free consoles. Does she wipe your face after feeding you a bowl full of spaghettios too?
I'll realize PS2 has great games when i decide that i want to fit in with the console fanboy crowd
Sun, 07-17-2005, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I'll realize PS2 has great games when i decide that i want to fit in with the console fanboy crowd
Come on. The PS2 has a stunning library of fucking amazing first and third party games. Considering it's spawned just about every genre revolution of this generation except in FPS', I'd say the PS2 is an inarguably strong system.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:20 PM
Y hit the nail, PS2 has great games except in the field of FPS. Nintendo has a FEW games that have caught my eye, most of them zelda games. Sharoon, i wont argue that zelda games arent good, but hell if you acctually think revolution will own PS3, your a fucking idiot.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by: Y
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I'll realize PS2 has great games when i decide that i want to fit in with the console fanboy crowd
Come on. The PS2 has a stunning library of fucking amazing first and third party games. Considering it's spawned just about every genre revolution of this generation except in FPS', I'd say the PS2 is an inarguably strong system.
hmm....lets see........
Music (DDR, Amplitude, etc).......
Yep, that pretty much covers it for spawning genre revolutions
and thats it.
Most other hit PS2 games are also on other consoles....
Maybe if you and Mut weren't so busy sucking each other's cocks in the IRC channel, i could've lurked up something that would better support your argument than the lame PS2 fanboy approach of (OMG YOU LIKE NINTENDO THEREFORE YOU = 8 YEARS OLD). Way to reel in the win fellas. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by: Y
The PS2 has a stunning library of fucking amazing first and third party games.
That sounds like a fanboy if I've ever seen one. See how I bolded "fanboy"? Wanted to dabble in yellow journalism myself.
Originally posted by: Y
Considering it's spawned just about every genre revolution of this generation except in FPS', I'd say the PS2 is an inarguably strong system.
Actually, no. There is no way PS2 gets that glory over Xbox. If anything, Xbox is more deserving. Have you played Ninja Gaiden? So much more revolutionary than Devil May Cry, and I'd rather play Splinter Cell than Metal Gear Solid.
The only thing PS2 and the PS lineage has ever had over any console is RPGs, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, they haven't been that great. Dark Cloud tried to be a Zelda killer and failed ... miserably. And when they cel-shaded Dark Cloud 2, I couldn't tell if they were trying to mimic Wind Waker or what. Sony fanboys == RPG fanboys, and I think you people need to get off of Squaresoft's cock. Kingdom Hearts wasn't as revolutionary as you want to believe it is. If anything, it tainted Final Fantasy VII's legacy by including Cloud and Sephiroth ... and now I'm just hoping they don't fuck up Advent Children because I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
Killzone is a Halo wannabe, and Sony was and still is a Nintendo wannabe. PSP will fall to DS.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
damn mut....i wish my mom sent me free consoles. Does she wipe your face after feeding you a bowl full of spaghettios too?
You jealous that you don't have great connections like I do? You telling me, you wouldn't want free game consoles and games?
I'll realize PS2 has great games when i decide that i want to fit in with the console fanboy crowd
Your logic is stupid.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:32 PM
No more retarded than
You might realize that PS2 has great games... Once Nintendo's jizz is wiped off your eyes.
Man've been going through some pretty profound mood swings lately. Forgot to take the pill the other day?
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
No more retarded than
Man've been going through some pretty profound mood swings lately. Forgot to take the pill the other day?
Let's be serious here. You said that you'd say PS2 has great games when you become a console fanboy. So by that logic, for me say Xbox or Nintendo to have great games, I'd have to become a console fanboy? Give me a break. Now, I really don't care if Nintendo or PS2 is better than the other, but saying one has to become a "fanboy" to say a truth about something is just faggotry. Don't shit on a discussion because your bias opinions on one thing doesn't let you see for what things really are.
And don't try to get me back with your "oh, are you mad now?" sarcastic, belittling tactics because they are overused and shitty.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
Sharoon, i wont argue that zelda games arent good, but hell if you acctually think revolution will own PS3, your a fucking idiot.
Remind me to laugh my ass off, or roll on the floor laughing, depending on the severity of how badly Revolution does end up owning PS3. Then I'll take the liberty to take a shit on you and your PS3, you fucking douche.
PS3 game development will make developers want to change their careers. The Cell is so overrated and you can see how afraid Sony is by embracing open source "technologies" ... as if it's going to help any (if it would, PS3 could've very easily functioned as a broadband router but they ended up scrapping that functionality).
Revolution is going to be truly backwards compatible because not only will it play your GameCube games (which is a good reason as any to pick up Resident Evil 4), it's also going to let you download the extensive library of first-party games ranging from the NES to N64 eras. And with Revolution and DS both having built-in Wi-Fi functionality, Nintendo's broadband-enabled solution will simply overwhelm PS3 and PSP. And as if that wasn't enough, the Revolution is the first to extend a helping hand to independent game developers. One would think that's what open source development libraries would do, but I guess that didn't work out for Sony.
Wait, why the fuck did I just evangelize to you? You suck.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:46 PM
You tell us to get off squaresoft's cock, you need to get off of nintendo's cock. The only great Nintendo games were again, the zelda games. You just bashed PS2 with Xbox and rounded it up with a "yeah go nintendo"
You've compared some sony failed FPS like Killzone and called it a halo wannabe. Ok, heres what i'll say about this, Halo in my opinion (this includes halo2) is the best multiplayer FPS i've ever played. Except, Halo is...complicated. the campains for it always sucked. but it was a great game for you friends to come over and play with, other than that, that game is useless. At least with RPGs you dont have to be paying and begging people to go over your hosue so you can have 10min of fun (i assume you know what i'm talking about sharoon)
Square is awsome, Kingdom Hearts was a great game. You name one game RPG thats just as good as Final fantasy games or Kingdom Hearts made by Xbox or Gamecube.
Xbox RPG games SUCk. Gamecube has the zelda legacy which still, many people consider the Final Fantasy legacy to be much better.
I've already said, the halo legacy whips competition for FPS. Now for RPG what are you going to put up against Final Fantasy?
What in the world do you mean it tainted "Final Fantasy VIIs legacy"?? Sephiroth was merely a side character you face if you want to decalre "I OFFICALLY beat every aspect of Kingdom hearts" (something i've never done) Cloud's part was a bit part too. which brings me to wonder, have you even played Kingdom Hearts? or have you read magazines, reviews, and watched a friend play and suddenly assume it sucks?
FPS, RPG, Sports, fighting...are the real hit genres of games. Sony has presented Final Fantasy for RPG, Has many sports games, and has fighting games like Dead or Alive and Soulcalibur. (and it also has the street legacy behind them) Xbox took FPS. What genre is there for nintendo to claim?
Remind me to laugh my ass off, or roll on the floor laughing, depending on the severity of how badly Revolution does end up owning PS3. Then I'll take the liberty to take a shit on you and your PS3, you fucking douche.
Ok, and remind me to laugh in your face when revolution is dead last in popularity again like nintendo always is. Then after, i'll shit on you seeing as you seem to like that term, and then shove your revolution up your ass so hard, you'll taste it in your mouth.
The "SUPER BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY" as nintendo calls it is...probably its only weapon. all 3 of the new systems have WiFi compatibility. The backward compatibility might be great for going back to old games but, "been there, done that" Probably everybody older than 12 already played with a SNES and N64 which posesses only 3 games i recognize as good games. Goldeneye, Starfox, Zelda orcrina of time.
When the DS can play music, video and isnt a waste of space considering most games use the second screen as a map, then argue your point.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:49 PM
@MUT: That's the difference between a fan and a admits that their interests are just their personal opinion, while the other regards it as fact.
To go and say "your bias opinions on one thing doesn't let you see for what things really are" only supports my claim. I know I'm biased, because I've established likes and dislikes over the course of about 15 years now. I don't really care though, because my preference for something only further decides what I'm willing to spend money on, which brings us back to the original comment I made that you decided to argue.
You on the other hand conveniently chose a sentence structure that implies that you know things for what they really are, which puts you under the fanboy category i just described at the top of this post. To care whether or not a game got awesome reviews may be one thing when you're bored and don't know what games are good, but to use it as an excuse for buying a console is EXACTLY the same as saying "Buy a PS2 because everyone else likes it." Which makes you a follower incapable of making your own decisions. And if you want to even argue that without further proving my point, then I suggest taking an approach different from "PS2 got X number of games in the top 10 this year"
Popularity does NOT make one thing better than the other.
And don't try to get me back with your "oh, are you mad now?" sarcastic, belittling tactics because they are overused and shitty.
The level of sarcasm and belittleness in my posts never exceed the level of the poster I am sarcastically belittling. You should know that by now. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sun, 07-17-2005, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
You jealous that you don't have great connections like I do?
There's no need to boast. Anyone would want free games and consoles, but not everyone has "connections" like you. You disgust me. Your blatant rubbing-it-in-our-face is cheap, just like your self-presumed mastery over logic.
Anyway, this was fun. Lets continue this later. I'm off for the night ladies. Kiss my ass.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
(i assume you know what i'm talking about sharoon)
Actually ... no, I don't.
Anyway, I own a PS2 (I got it as a Christmas present, I guess that means I have "connections"). I own Kingdom Hearts. I own Dark Cloud. That's how I know they suck. I didn't even finish them because I found better things to do with my time, like developing social skills. Why did you just reaffirm everything I said about the only thing the PS lineage has had over every console is RPGs? No shit, Sherlock.
What was so confusing about "it tainted Final Fantasy VII's legacy"? I said it tainted its legacy by including Cloud and Sephiroth. Thanks for confirming that Sephiroth is in that game, as if being a side character changes that.
And I love how you idiots would rather play sports game instead of going outside and actually playing the sports. EA Madden is nothing but a rehash with new statistics and some new rookie on the cover. Suck my dick.
I don't feel the need to reply to anything else you said because it insults my intelligence, but I thoroughly like how you said Sony has Dead or Alive when every Tecmo game has been an Xbox-exclusive.
Don't double post, use the Edit button.
GotWoot Moderator
I just read your fantastic first six posts. You're off to a horrible start. Here's a warning and a few days off to shut up. User is warned and banned for 2 days.
GotWoot Moderator
Sun, 07-17-2005, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by: sharoon
The only thing PS2 and the PS lineage has ever had over any console is RPGs, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, they haven't been that great. Dark Cloud tried to be a Zelda killer and failed ... miserably. And when they cel-shaded Dark Cloud 2, I couldn't tell if they were trying to mimic Wind Waker or what. Sony fanboys == RPG fanboys, and I think you people need to get off of Squaresoft's cock. Kingdom Hearts wasn't as revolutionary as you want to believe it is. If anything, it tainted Final Fantasy VII's legacy by including Cloud and Sephiroth ... and now I'm just hoping they don't fuck up Advent Children because I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
Killzone is a Halo wannabe, and Sony was and still is a Nintendo wannabe. PSP will fall to DS.
Don't tell us to get off Square-Enix's cock because you seem to be pretty busy on Nintendo's. I really want to know how Dark Cloud failed in all aspects. It wasn't even trying to kill Zelda, it simply took one or two elements and expanded it within their own world. The Cel-Shades are obviously different due to the different systems. The GC can push more power than the PS2 but who cares, Dark Cloud 2 was still just as fun as playing Wind Waker.
Kingdom Hearts wasn't revolutionary, it was just a new idea made by Square. Why the hell do you think us gamers consider it to be a game that changed the face of RPGs? I myself am a big KH fan and I look forward to KH2 but I don't consider KH to be revolutionary. It was a throughly enjoyable game. And I really want to know how the fuck it tainted Cloud and Sephiroth. Sephiroth was simply an optional boss you can fight while Cloud had a small part in the storyline. Its know, CAMEOS, YOU KNOW, WHAT NINTENDO HAS DONE IN THEIR GAMES PLENTY OF TIMES! Ever play Super Mario RPG for the SNES? Remember the cameos of Samus and Link? Yeah, same thing here buddy.
Advent Children won't be fucked up. It already has an established set of characters and setting, something which The Spirits Within did not have, which was why it flunked (except in the case of the computer animation).
I've never played Killzone so I won't comment. But I have seen/played both the PSP and DS. I like both Sony and Nintendo equally, I don't have anything against them, like you do. At first, the idea of having dual screens with one of them being a touch screen seemed awesome, but the games the DS has put out have not been good (except that Kirby game). The PSP has many functions which are already being put to good use. Mp3's and music and along with gaming. And on the line of the PSP putting PS games on it, isnt that what the Revolution is doing? Once again, same thing here buddy.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
@MUT: That's the difference between a fan and a admits that their interests are just their personal opinion, while the other regards it as fact.
To go and say "your bias opinions on one thing doesn't let you see for what things really are" only supports my claim. I know I'm biased, because I've established likes and dislikes over the course of about 15 years now. I don't really care though, because my preference for something only further decides what I'm willing to spend money on, which brings us back to the original comment I made that you decided to argue.
Is this just statements from a Nintendo fan or a fanboy? I can't tell the difference.
Oh look, a bunch of shit I never said fabricated by you in order to support your argument. Okay!
Sun, 07-17-2005, 07:45 PM
wow what a bunch of nerds.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Music (DDR, Amplitude, etc).......
Yep, that pretty much covers it for spawning genre revolutions
Naturally, you leave out the most influential console game of this generation, Grand Theft Auto III (and Halo, hurr). The freeform nature of that game hadn't been done on anywhere near that scale, and while the sequels just tweak the formula it's impossible to deny the influence that game will have for the next decade of design. It's the Super Mario 64 of this console generation.
and thats it.
Most other hit PS2 games are also on other consoles....
The PS2 has the most system exclusive developers and titles. And by the way, the system that gets PS2 ports is the Xbox - the GC has routinely gotten shafted in that area.
Maybe if you and Mut weren't so busy sucking each other's cocks in the IRC channel, i could've lurked up something that would better support your argument than the lame PS2 fanboy approach of (OMG YOU LIKE NINTENDO THEREFORE YOU = 8 YEARS OLD).
Yes that is exactly what I said.
That sounds like a fanboy if I've ever seen one. See how I bolded "fanboy"? Wanted to dabble in yellow journalism myself.
Thank god I uploaded the emoticon, because I'm going to get a lot of use out of it on your post. Gee, giggles, is it hard for you to wrap your brain around the idea that I can pay a compliment to a game system without being a "fanboy"? I mean, there's a clear difference between saying "The PS2 has a lot of good games" and "Boy, Ken Kutaragi's dick tastes good". I own all three consoles from this generation, and they each have their strengths.
Actually, no. There is no way PS2 gets that glory over Xbox. If anything, Xbox is more deserving. Have you played Ninja Gaiden? So much more revolutionary than Devil May Cry,
The only reason Ninja Gaiden plays like it does is because of Devil May Cry, just like the fact that DMC3 plays like it does because it built on Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden owes a debt to DMC1 for breaking the ground that it built upon.
and I'd rather play Splinter Cell than Metal Gear Solid.
Uh, ok. So how does that prove it's more revolutionary? Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are probably the two greatest experiments in gaming (on opposite sides of a spectrum). You appear to be confusing "I like game X more than game Y" with "Game X is more revolutionary then game Y". Splinter Cell's biggest revolution is moving the camera over, which admittedly was a good idea.
The only thing PS2 and the PS lineage has ever had over any console is RPGs, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, they haven't been that great.
Actually, I like to "admit" that the PS1 and PS2's RPG lineup sodomizes any other console except the Super NES. The Xbox's Knights Of The Old Republic is stronger than almost any PS1/2 RPG in my opinion, but the sheer breadth of the titles in Sony's library speaks well for it. I don't think you can make a strong case for hating down the entirety of the Playstation's RPG lineup.
Remind me to laugh my ass off, or roll on the floor laughing, depending on the severity of how badly Revolution does end up owning PS3.
I wouldn't ask you to pick my lotto numbers.
Then I'll take the liberty to take a shit on you and your PS3, you fucking douche.
This is the guy who called me a fanboy.
PS3 game development will make developers want to change their careers
Thank you, game developer sharoon.
Anyway, there's a lot more after that, but these kinds of posts keep growing exponentially. Plus, really, when your argument is "PS3 sucks dicks and I shit in Sony's mouth and Nintendo has a huge dick and shit ass fuck cock shit... oh and you're a fanboy", I can't exactly use rationality to appeal to you.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Microsoft's getting Logitech to make the controllers for Xbox 360 this time. We all remember what happened when Microsoft tried to design controllers...
I didn't think it was that bad.. for the x box, at least the smaller versions weren't bad.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 08:01 PM
Yeah, the Xbox Controller-S was a great design.
I know it's oh so hilarious to complain about a corrected 4 year old mistake, but it's over and done with.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 08:27 PM
Most of the reason for PS1/PS2 being so strong in rpgs is because Square has always played a major role in keeping Sony afloat, especially in the final years of PS1. Square is derived from the companies responsible for the RPGs on SuperNes like titles such as Secret Of Mana(my personal favorite).
Personally I hate Sony for taking out the Dreamcast, one of the best systems with the most innovative games put out in such a short span.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by: sharoon
I don't feel the need to reply to anything else you said because it insults my intelligence, but I thoroughly like how you said Sony has Dead or Alive when every Tecmo game has been an Xbox-exclusive.
you've got alot of anger in you dont ya?
every tecmo game you say? you insult my and you own intelligence by stating such crap:
2006 Dead or Alive Code: Cronus Xbox 360
2006 Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2 Xbox 360
2005 Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360
2005 Fatal Frame 3 PlayStation 2
2005 Tokobot PSP
2005 Monster Farm 5: Circus Caravan PlayStation 2
2005 Trapt PlayStation 2
2005 Ninja Gaiden Black Xbox
2005 Tecmo Classic Arcade Xbox
2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory PC
2005 Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 3 PlayStation 2
2005 All Girl Wrestling: Ultimate Angels Mobile
2004 Kagero II: Dark Illusion PlayStation 2
2004 GunGriffon: Allied Strike Xbox
2004 Tecmo Hit Parade PlayStation 2
2004 Ninja Gaiden Episode 1: Destiny Mobile
2004 Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut Xbox
i can already c 9 non xbox titels in that list of tecmo games, and the list goes way back to 1984, but presuming you are talking about this generation you are dead wrong seeing as how tecmo was developing for ps2 since 2000, and 2005 Fatal Frame 3 PlayStation 2 isnt even released yet, so shut up
Sun, 07-17-2005, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by: Y
Naturally, you leave out the most influential console game of this generation, Grand Theft Auto III (and Halo, hurr). The freeform nature of that game hadn't been done on anywhere near that scale, and while the sequels just tweak the formula it's impossible to deny the influence that game will have for the next decade of design. It's the Super Mario 64 of this console generation.
I think you're losing track of the discussion Y....because (correct me if I'm wrong) I could've sworn we were talking about the PS2 here. Halo? What does that have to do with anything? With GTA III at least, I can see the attempt you tried to make, but it still doesn't work since it is no longer a PS2-exclusive title. Unless you are treating your post in a completely moronic way, I'm assuming that you are making your judgement on my console interests to the fact that I solely play Nintendo games. Which is wrong. You should know that I own a modded X-box, as I've mentioned it many times. This whole summer, in fact, the only time i was playing Nintendo games intead of X-box games were when my friends wanted to play Nintendo games.
In any're bringing up anti-Nintendo points instead of pro-PS2 points.....which doesn't really fit the discussion at all, because I didn't make any pro-Nintendo post in the first place i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
The PS2 has the most system exclusive developers and titles. And by the way, the system that gets PS2 ports is the Xbox - the GC has routinely gotten shafted in that area.
I've already mentioned the irrelevance to your anti-Nintendo points.
Yes that is exactly what I said.
glad to know that you and your cliche goon-gifs agree i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
*generic insta-retort SA Goon gif*
I see you're relying on a new form of media to get your point across when text just doesnt quite cut it, eh mutsy? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif Ironically, you accuse me of fabricating points to support my argument, but then go and pull assumptions out of the air and accuse me of being a Nintendo fanboy just the same. Way to go champ. Just for the record, note the line I said to Y above, where i said "This whole summer, in fact, the only time i was playing Nintendo games intead of X-box games were when my friends wanted to play Nintendo games."
It's not that I'm all about Nintendo, its just that I don't like Sony. Noob.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I think you're losing track of the discussion Y....because (correct me if I'm wrong) I could've sworn we were talking about the PS2 here. Halo? What does that have to do with anything?
I mentioned that the most influential console game of this generation is GTAIII, and as an aside, I mentioned Halo as well. What's confusing about that, exactly? I was preempting a comment from someone like Deblas giving credit to Halo for being more influential than GTA on this generation.
With GTA III at least, I can see the attempt you tried to make, but it still doesn't work since it is no longer a PS2-exclusive title
So it stopped being an influential game that debuted on a Sony system when it was ported? I guess Halo is no longer influential since it was ported to PC.
The rest of your post has nothing to do with the points I was making.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 10:25 PM
So basically...............I should buy a PS2 just because GTA 3 was released on it FIRST? Guess what, I do own the first system that the GTA revolutionized on: The PC. GTA 3 isn't really much more than a 3D version of the classic GTA 2 game that I used to play back in the day. In any case, I'm not the type of person to jump and buy a new console just for a game. If it's going to show up on another console too, then what's the rush? At least with an Xbox I can have my GTA III AND my Halo at the same time.
If the rest of my post has nothing to do with the points you were making......then I have no idea what the points were that you were making.
You people are point is that if all I cared about buying a PS3 is because its latest game is what all the kiddies are playing, then I'd be buying a console as a trend whore. However, I don't really care what the latest game is that all the kiddies are playing, because the kiddies as a collective is retarded anyway.
Sun, 07-17-2005, 10:50 PM
I'd say Resident Evil 4 is more revolutionary than Halo or GTA
Sun, 07-17-2005, 11:44 PM
is it?? all i noticed was they changed the big deal there
Mon, 07-18-2005, 12:50 AM
Texture is crazy
Mon, 07-18-2005, 09:25 AM
lol no way that games graphics, i looked at it and thought "why did he post a pic of a fire station lol"
Mon, 07-18-2005, 09:42 AM
no those are stated to be ingame gfx for project gotham racing 3, ppl wouldnt believe it, but then the guy manipulateed the camera with his controller and took screens in normal and wireframe
Mon, 07-18-2005, 04:05 PM
I'm sick of all you Asian-wannabe pimple-faced 8th graders arguing over whose console is better. One of these days you might grow up and realize that nobody in the real world gives a shit about consoles except for unemployed college dropouts who wasted all their money on Grand Theft Auto. Maybe if you all realized that console hardware and software is three years obsolete the day it comes out then you would pull your heads out of your asses and buy a PC. All of you argue over whose console is betterbut you fail to realize that all consoles are shallow, hasbeen systems that can't even begin to compete with PC culture.
If any of you want to talk about genre revolutions then you're obviously looking in the wrong place. PC games have revolutionized every genre time and again and none of you poser chinks noticed because you all have your heads up your asses. If you want to see a RPG revolution then you might want to look up a little phrase called MMORPG. Single player RPG's have been dead for years and you stupid punks keep expecting more from it. Games like WoW, SWG, Guild Wars, and Everquest are where the real RPG revolution is taking place. So yeah Square released FFonline on the PS2 as well as the PC. Real creative Sony. Why don't you go copy some more PC technology and pretend that it was your idea. The PC has also revolutionized every other genre of gaming with the exception of platformers, but who the hell honestly plays Frogger. Dumb shits like you people no doubt. PC gaming revolutionized the FPS in 2004 again with the release of not one, but three brilliant titles in Far Cry, Doom 3, and Half-Life2. The same goes for Strategy with gems such as Rise of Nations. So if any of you dipshits want to say that consoles revolutionize gaming then shove it up your narrow suburban non-Asian shitter.
And also shut up about how great the technology on PS3 is going to be. The hardware specs of the PS3 aren't even as good as a sub-par gaming PC in 2003. In fact, if it weren't for the PC then your stupid little consoles wouldn't even exist. Every new piece of console hardware technology is nothing more than second-rate PC components that have been out for at least two generations.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter which console looks better or sells better. You should all be collectively sucking the cock of the PC because it dwarfs the cocks of your puny consoles like a black man to an Asian.
You're a dumb gimmick. You're gone.
GotWoot Moderator
Mon, 07-18-2005, 04:37 PM
lol omg some1 has some issues, nice first post and name though [/sarcasm]
if you had not noticed, the topic is named nex gen system, the pc is never a next gen system cause it gets constantly upgraded, btw the xbox360 will be about 300$, maybe a bit more but not much, a decent gaming pc will cost you at least 4 times that price, plz dont post stupid rant like that ne more
Mon, 07-18-2005, 05:47 PM
And also shut up about how great the technology on PS3 is going to be. The hardware specs of the PS3 aren't even as good as a sub-par gaming PC in 2003. In fact, if it weren't for the PC then your stupid little consoles wouldn't even exist. Every new piece of console hardware technology is nothing more than second-rate PC components that have been out for at least two generations.
The graphics chip in a PS3 is more powerful than any PC of today and hasnt even been released to the PC market yet same with the Xbox 360
The PC has just as much to owe to consoles as they do to the PC; consoles helped more developers flourish and be created allowing developers to branch out to a broader audience. The PCs growth wouldnt be where it has come without consoles period.
But like, the PC mouse and keyboard are like so like better than the controllers on consoles, like FPS arent even meant to be on consoles! haha
Anyways, back to next gen game systems
So far the only games that really interest me right now I believe are Gears of War, and Dead Rising... other than that not too impressed.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 08:39 PM
I'd like to see a wireframe version of said fire dept image
Until then I'm going to interpret that image as nothing more than just a photographed texture mapped onto a flat plane i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 07-18-2005, 08:44 PM
here ya go i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Tue, 07-19-2005, 08:27 AM
i'd like to see what it looks like with full global illumination......sometimes scenes can still be "tricked" into 3d by painting the shadows in. In any case, those scenes are going to have alot of polygons o.o
Actually, looking back at the's probably a combination of painted and rendered shadows. Still impressive though.
Alan Wake (
Tue, 07-19-2005, 08:27 PM
hah, i bet consolesareinferior is sharoon. the "both" came in here just to rant about consoles. and sharoons been banned so he probably made a new one.
anyway, darkshadow, where'd you get the info that Xbox 360 would be $300ish?
Tue, 07-19-2005, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i'd like to see what it looks like with full global illumination......sometimes scenes can still be "tricked" into 3d by painting the shadows in. In any case, those scenes are going to have alot of polygons o.o
Actually, looking back at the's probably a combination of painted and rendered shadows. Still impressive though.
Alan Wake (
It could have very few and just use normal maps and bumpmaps to fake a very high poly look.
Tue, 07-19-2005, 11:52 PM
the shadows arent painted, they are photos, captured at a very high resolution ( VERY high), then scaled down to "only" 1024x1024 textures( they have more than 4096 source pictures), im not sure what they did next, but im betting some parallax normal mapping applied to a lower poly scene, then slapping the texture on it
Wed, 07-20-2005, 01:14 AM
Normal mapping is all the rage these days, and you can tell by the number of polygons for flatter surfaces that they had to use some form of mapping to simulate variation in depth for cracks and whatnot (some of the walls are just flat, i don't think even windows are indented in). Even so, there's still a decent amount of polygons for that building, easily as much as, say, a generic model in one of these current gen systems?
This is just ONE building we're talking about here. If that building is 2000 polygons, and there are 50 buildings just like it, then there are 100000 polygons just for buildings alone.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by: sharoon
I just read your fantastic first six posts. You're off to a horrible start. Here's a warning and a few days off to shut up. User is warned and banned for 2 days.
GotWoot Moderator
It looks like you mental midgets (such as those who valiantly reached and scrambled over themselves to prove their non-fanboyism -- or was that just the exemplary Captain "hurrr" Douchebag formally known as Y?) were spared for two days. I'm back in business so let us get it done.
Originally posted by: Y
Gee, giggles, is it hard for you to wrap your brain around the idea that I can pay a compliment to a game system without being a "fanboy"? I mean, there's a clear difference between saying "The PS2 has a lot of good games" and "Boy, Ken Kutaragi's dick tastes good".
You must give extremely good head if your whole post wasn't yet a blow job, then. I mean, you bolded "stunning" and used buzzwords like "revolutionized", "every", "genre", "of", "this", and "generation". If that wasn't shining Kutaragi's knob, I don't know how you're going to top that when you do get down on your knees. I can't conceive how gay that would be. You should become a writer for PSM; they give great head so you'll fit in. You can now reply by saying "thank you career advisor sharoon".
Originally posted by: darkshadow
every tecmo game you say? you insult my and you own intelligence by stating such crap:
2005 Fatal Frame 3 PlayStation 2
2005 Tokobot PSP
2005 Monster Farm 5: Circus Caravan PlayStation 2
2005 Trapt PlayStation 2
2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory PC
2005 Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 3 PlayStation 2
2005 All Girl Wrestling: Ultimate Angels Mobile
2004 Kagero II: Dark Illusion PlayStation 2
2004 Tecmo Hit Parade PlayStation 2
2004 Ninja Gaiden Episode 1: Destiny Mobile
Wow, thanks for the breathtaking research there, Cronkite. Maybe you can write my next term paper and a dissertation on how to nit-pick every insignificant strand of hair on my ass too. Maybe if I had said "every Tecmo game that matters is an Xbox-exclusive", you'd have written me a review about how awesome the game mechanics are in Monster Farm 5. Then I'd be woefully indebted to you for the keen insight, or not. Just stick to telling people they have issues or asking if they have a lot of anger, Dr. Phil.
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hah, i bet consolesareinferior is sharoon.
Uh, no, but the GotWoot Moderator here sure is trigger-happy. Oops, I called him trigger-happy.
I almost forgot : And as for NarutoMaster, blah blah blah. Are you done bitching? Are you sure? darkshadow, a.k.a. Dr. Phil, can console you. Let him hold you.
Back in business? Ha! You still haven't cooled off from your previous ban seeing as how your still acting like an complete ass. Take care now, you get a permanent ban!
GotWoot Moderator
Wed, 07-20-2005, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Normal mapping is all the rage these days, and you can tell by the number of polygons for flatter surfaces that they had to use some form of mapping to simulate variation in depth for cracks and whatnot (some of the walls are just flat, i don't think even windows are indented in). Even so, there's still a decent amount of polygons for that building, easily as much as, say, a generic model in one of these current gen systems?
This is just ONE building we're talking about here. If that building is 2000 polygons, and there are 50 buildings just like it, then there are 100000 polygons just for buildings alone.
yeah thats exactly what i thought, it may seem like low poly for a next gen building, but putting together the entire scene( buildings, roads, env. cars), would produce crazy polygon counts, and seeing as how they have like 4096 different source pictures, there are probably at least 300 different buildings in that ( calculated that each building has 3 floor), i mean , thats crazy i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif, its not like we are even gonna pay attention to the buildings, this is prolly what next gen is all about
and @mister stupid above
breathtaking research?? i bet you never heard about gamefaqs before, well here is a little tut., in the game search type in any tecmo game, like ninja gaiden, then press game info, and tecmo, presto a list of all games made by them, now that wasnt too hard was it??
and all tecmo games that matter you say?, how come fatal frame 1 and 2, score a7.1 and 8.2?and are on the ps2? and have part3 coming out for ps2??? can you tell me why that 1 isnt a tecmo-title-that-matters-cause-its-an-xbox-exclusive
so now plz shut up, oh waiti/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif, you cant reply anymore!!, but maybe you are pathetic enough to make another account, to get banned again
Wed, 07-20-2005, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Normal mapping is all the rage these days, and you can tell by the number of polygons for flatter surfaces that they had to use some form of mapping to simulate variation in depth for cracks and whatnot (some of the walls are just flat, i don't think even windows are indented in). Even so, there's still a decent amount of polygons for that building, easily as much as, say, a generic model in one of these current gen systems?
This is just ONE building we're talking about here. If that building is 2000 polygons, and there are 50 buildings just like it, then there are 100000 polygons just for buildings alone.
Well, this is a racing game. It doesn't need to look good at all except blurring by at 200MPH. I'm sure they'll cut a LOT of corners on the original models.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 03:38 PM
Just for the record this is not Sharoon
And also for the record I sit around and masturbate all day and still accomplsih more than these forum moderators.
Banning people because you don't like what they have to say is something Stalin did because he was a paranoid fool.
Grow up.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 04:01 PM
but there is also something as being social, these forums arent made to, flame all and keep posting idiot rants over and over
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:32 PM
Nice grammar.
If you're banned, then stay banned. Don't be a loser and come back.
GotWoot Moderator
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:52 PM
Apparently we all still live in Communist Russia.
GotWoot Moderator
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:07 PM
Don't forget China! AZN POWER!
GotWoot Moderator
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:32 PM
omg, you must be really pathetic to make 2 more accounts, mods cant you just IP ban him or something?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by: ConsolesR'Inferior
Banning people because you don't like what they have to say is something Stalin did because he was a paranoid fool.
Banning shitty gimmicks is perfectly acceptable though, you shitty gimmick.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:38 PM
Arbitrarily banning people who disagree with you equates to censorship.
I offer a healthy debate of the topic and you take the easy way out like a coward.
And Y, don't even act like you read Friedrich Nietzsche little boy. You're not fooling anyone. Leave philosophy to the grown-ups.
GotWoot Moderator
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by: Nietzsche
Arbitrarily banning people who disagree with you equates to censorship.
How is it "abitrary"? You're a dumbass gimmick.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 09:00 PM
umm...1..2..3..4 wow, 4 idiots i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Y this would be a good time for your "hurr" emotion but im too lazy to upload it.
dont worry, they'll be back, oh and back on topic, does anyone know how revolution is supposed to adapt their controller to 5 generations of systems?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
dont worry, they'll be back, oh and back on topic, does anyone know how revolution is supposed to adapt their controller to 5 generations of systems?
My theory is that you'll have to use a Gamecube controller for the old emulation functions. It has enough buttons (if you use the C stick to mimic the N64's C buttons) to work on any generation Nintendo console.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 09:10 PM
hmm maybe they'll make a controller with 2 sections like on some remote controllers for TVs, you can flip a certain part over and use whats under, they could put the old SNES contoller there (it should work for NES and SNES) and gamecube on top? but then that'd be pretty big, and probably heavy too.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 11:11 PM
Apparently they're putting less buttons on the controller than any of the next gen ones and it would seem less than the Gamecube controller
They say they want to simplify the controller so it appeals to more gamers and is less complex
Just because they say its going to play all these games doesnt mean at all that what theyre going to do is COMBINE them... I mean technically they could use any controller easily.
They are so hush hush about it and dont want to show anyone, I wouldnt be surprised if they used something they've incoporated into alot of their more recent periphreals. IE the DS touch screen, or the tilt feature on the SP I believe it is.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 05:24 PM
Resident Evil 5 (
Yet another reason to get a PS3.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 06:51 PM
The only thing RE5 isnt going to be on is Revolution for obvious reasons, its going to be on 360 too, so the point is mute
Not gonna be here till god knows when though, wont hit Japan till Dec of 06
What games are people excited for on PS3 aside from Killzone or Metal Gear? I havent really seen much other reasons
Thu, 07-21-2005, 06:54 PM
who said it wasnt gonna be on rev?, did anyone state: "Resident Evil 5, will NOT be released on Revolution"?
Thu, 07-21-2005, 06:55 PM
I would think the fact they dont even know whats going to be in the system yet, wheras PS3 is nearing completion and 360 is pretty much ready to go, it would go without saying. Plus its stated what its announced for, in particular mentioning that Revolution was not included.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 06:58 PM
Also the fact that Revolution is supposed to include a specialized controller, the release on the two systems is already a long ways off, how much longer do you think if they did make it would it take to bring to a system with specific needs such as a big jump on controls.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 07:35 PM
a healthy reminder so your membership life is longer than those on the last page: dont double post i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
nobody knows exactly what nintendo is going to think up of. so, theres no way to be sure it wont be on revolution, its probably still undecided because nintendo is working on 20 other things at the moment.
Mite Gai
Wed, 07-27-2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
who said it wasnt gonna be on rev?, did anyone state: "Resident Evil 5, will NOT be released on Revolution"?
Because its doubtful (not impossible, any Nintendo fanboys) that its power is gonna be near as much as PS3 or 360 and developers don't want to risk it, though for the record i am just gonna buy both PS3 and 360 so I don't miss any of the good games.
Wed, 07-27-2005, 01:11 PM
just how much spare cash do you have?
Mite Gai
Wed, 07-27-2005, 03:30 PM
My job pays fairly well and I don't go crazy buying things left and right so if I save for a little like I have been then I can buy that much stuff. So I would say that I have enough cash to live comfortably by my own standards. Plus its only about a 1000 in total since I am not gonna buy every single game, just the ones I want like RE5, Unreal Tournament, and DOA4.
P.S. What was up with that dude making tons of accounts?
Mon, 08-22-2005, 05:44 AM
Not really about the new gen systems, but rather about the exisiting hand helds and current systems. Stats from magicbox.
Here are the Top 10 hardware sales in Japan for the week of August 8 - 14:
Nintendo DS - 103,095 [1,382,040] units
PlayStation 2 - 37,041 [1,289,351] units
PlayStation Portable - 25,100 [1,126,231] units
GameBoy Advance SP - 19,958 [466,614] units
GameCube - 3,799 [145,385] units
GameBoy Advance - 708 [16,397] units
Xbox - 202 [9,175] units
Seems DS is doing really well in Japan, though you'll likely find people holding on to PSPs on the subway in my country. Nintendo is doing well, and will do better once the new Gameboy Micro comes out. Even the GameCube can out sell the XBox. Guess the Japanese don't dig American made games......
Mon, 08-22-2005, 02:26 PM
their games are a lot better lol the xbox is pretty much gory. then the people in japan invent something like NamcoXCapcom (really sweet game) in which has a storyline (or so i'm told, i cant understand it) and a great new fighting system. why would they need some guy shooting the hell out of another's ass?
the gameboy micro is a GBA thats smaller, i really dont see why anybody would buy this, if somebody those its because they got the wrong impression that its a new handheld (with new games) or that they're too rich to care.
Sun, 05-07-2006, 11:41 AM
Nice thing from gamespot... live E3...
I really would like to go there. STIUEPID NO RICHNESS
Sun, 05-07-2006, 12:29 PM
I just realized something...whats the difference between this thread, and ?
Sun, 05-07-2006, 02:44 PM
Lol, nothing it seems, although this thread is called next gen systems, a pc is a next gen system also, the other thread is just next gen consoles, even though its kinda dumb
Sun, 05-07-2006, 06:28 PM
Oh hey you're right....I popped in here and got confused for a minute because I had thought this was the console thread...
...Has it really taken 14 pages for someone to point it out? (I haven't been around long enough so I don't count - HAH!)
Sun, 05-07-2006, 06:54 PM
Nice thing from gamespot... live E3...
That's pretty cool. I'm definitely going to watch Nintendo's bit on Tuesday.
Locked due to another thread that is more active. - Raven
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